travel books

My 5 Best Posts For Texas Travel In Spring

My 5 Best Posts For Texas Travel In Spring

Spring break is one of our family’s favorite times to travel, mainly because the weather is just right. You know how I hate to be hot, but I also hate to be cold.

There’s a tiny baby window of comfort for me and it usually falls right around spring break.

I’ve pulled together some of the posts I’ve written in the past about spring travel, and I’ve even included one to help get your moody-ass teenager on board with one I wrote listing out books to inspire your teen to want to travel.

Best Books To Inspire Travel In Teens And Tweens

Best Books To Inspire Travel In Teens And Tweens

Years ago, when we first started working with our financial planner - which sounds very fancy, but I assure you it’s not like that.

Our decision to work with a financial planner came about when we were living paycheck to paycheck, and Mark and I finally acknowledged that we are children when it comes to being financially responsible, because we like shiny stuff, and we needed a non-biased person - who’s also smart with money - to tell us what we should spend and what we should save.

In the beginning of our working relationship with him, we were tasked with writing out our family’s priorities so we could finagle a budget that would work for us.