
The following is to help you understand how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information:

  • At the time we collect your personal information, we will identify the purpose for the information being collected.

  • We will collect and use personal information only for fulfilling the purposes identified by us, unless we get your express consent to do otherwise.

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  • Information regarding our privacy policies will be made readily available to customers and/or users of this website.

This privacy policy governs the way Kristan Braziel and affiliated brands (Bring Mommy A Martini, Gingerspark Press LLC, Braziel Media) collects, uses, and maintains information collected from customers and users of this website, the websites of the aforementioned brands, and all products and services offered by Kristan Braziel.

Use of This Website

The articles and content on this website are written and edited by me.  I love writing and I hope you love to read my writing. I'd love for you to share my work, but you must retain all copyright and all proprietary notices on all copies of the materials. 

For example:

  • If you share a portion of any of my articles or blog posts, include my full name and a link back to the original post.

  • If you share a quote, include my full name or my handle (Twitter: @KristanBraziel // Facebook: @Kristan Braziel or @Bring Mommy A Martini // Instagram: @BringMommyAMartini)

Unless you are given express written permission, there shall be no implied ownership of material provided on this site. 


Many of my articles and blog posts are speculative and anecdotal in nature, and are for informational, educational, and humorous purposes. My articles are based on my experiences, the experiences of others (usually my mother, because she's freakin' hilarious and has a smart, out-of-the-box way of thinking), and various other resources.

The content I share represents my opinions only.  Any recommendations made by me are to be used at your own risk, and are not intended to replace professional or medical consultation. For a proper analysis, hire a doctor/therapist/couselor - preferably one with a fancy framed certificate on their wall to prove they're legit.

This blog may sometimes accept cash, sponsorships, or other forms of compensation, which may influence the content, but never my opinions.  I only share my honest beliefs, opinions, and experiences regarding topics or products written about on this website.

Affiliate Links

If you click on a link that I’ve provided, it might be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you buy something from their site. That means that I might get paid if you click on that link, but it doesn't cost anything extra for you. Please know that I only recommend products/services/information that I have personally used and have found to be successful/beneficial. 



The blog on this website is an educational and information resource for humans, moms, and people who want to laugh or to hear from someone they can relate to.  Or maybe have stuff written for them.  

While I love using my experiences, and the experiences of countless other people and bloggers I know, have worked with, and have sipped endless rounds of martinis with, taking advice is risky, and it doesn't come with any guarantees.  


By visiting this site, you’re essentially signing a contract that says that you understand that I make no guarantees, that - even though I claim my articles and suggestions will help guide you through all the messy shit life throws our way - they just might not.

You might actually get stuck in the shit, and nothing I say or do will help you.  

Privacy and Disclosures updated 12/7/19