Bring Mommy A Martini | Austin Family Lifestyle Blog by Kristan Braziel

“Real Mom” Stories About How Our Family Navigates Life

And Being Intentional In Seeking Happiness Through All The Messy Sh*t It Throws Our Way

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Hi, thanks for stopping in! Here at Bring Mommy A Martini, I write to you just like I talk to my BFF’s about parenting (but it’s most certainly not your traditional “mommy” blog), family relationships and family history, the therapeutic benefits of dogs, and how to keep a sense of humor among #allthethings life throws our way.

Whether you’re interested in learning about therapy dogs, worried that your child won’t survive a minute on their own, interested in learning how to choose happiness when it seems impossible to do so, or heartfelt worries from a mom dealing with glitches in child-rearing, there’s something for everybody up in here.


I’m Kristan,

the voice behind Bring Mommy A Martini and author of a humorous memoir, You Should Write A Book! True Tales Of An Unstable Life, with another - a very different one - in the works.

Read more about me here.


Here’s the stuff you’ll see on Bring Mommy A Martini


•Ways to manage anxiety and ADHD as a parent and how to effectively parent a child struggling in these same areas

•How to create a legacy of connection to pass down to your kids by capturing and sharing your family’s stories, no matter how jacked up they are

•Raising kids to not be a-holes or burdens to society

•Our travels and adventures around the world and in our beautiful home state of Texas

•The basics on the therapeutic benefits of dogs, and how to get your own dog into a therapy dog program
